Facebook leaked users data & WhatsApp's Fact Checks Flop Show

54 million Facebook users leaked data, the disclosure of security firm

User data leaked once again on the popular social media platform Facebook. Last year, another major data leak from Facebook has surfaced since the Cambridge analytics data link. Cybersecurity firm UpGuard has uncovered the Facebook data leak. According to UpGuard, data of 540 million ie 54 million Facebook users were saved on third-party public servers due to which the users' data became public. However, the security firm did not say whether the data usage of the users was misused or not.

According to the rights-ups of the Researchers, Mexican-based digital media company Celtra Collective left 540 million records, anyone who could access the data. 

The data of these Facebook users include comments, likes, reactions, account names, etc. These data were stored on the Amazon S3 server with no password. Apart from this, another data back-up file was stored on the California-based app maker company's bridge server, with data saving of 22,000 users. This back-up file included information such as friends list, interest, photos, group membership, and check-in. UpGuard's Cyber Risk Team has given this information through a blog post.
 Facebook leaked users data & WhatsApp's Fact Checks Flop Show

However, Facebook issued a statement later and told that it has teamed up with Amazon to remove the data from the users from there. According to Facebook's policy, information about Facebook users cannot be stored in any public database. Apart from this, another glitch of Facebook has recently surfaced, with millions of users having password exposes, which were in the readable format. However, access to these passwords was only for Facebook employees. After which, after issuing a statement, Facebook provided information about the misuse of these passwords.

Since the Facebook-Cambridge Analytics debate last year, the company has changed its many policies. Apart from this, Facebook has also audited several third-party applications. There is currently no response from Amazon on this data leak. Users have become disturbed by the rising incidents of Facebook data leak in such a way.

Whatsapp's Fact Checks Flop Show, No Response to 24 Hours

 Facebook leaked users data & WhatsApp's Fact Checks Flop Show

WhatsApp has announced the fact check service for India. For this, the company has partnered with a local startup named Proto and has issued a number. You can verify the news by sending a message to this number. But I tried it and there was no fact check for more than 24 hours. Many people try, just get an auto-reply.

 In India more than 200 million WhatsApp users. In this case, such a fact check service seems impossible. India is the first country where Whatsapp has launched this service.

WhatsApp has named this service as Checkpoint Tipline. Artificial Intelligence has been used for the company fact check or it will only verify the staff there, it remains a secret.

Facebook has already collaborated with many companies to check the fact-finding on its platform, but still, its impact does not appear on Facebook.

In a way, WhatsApp has taken this route to avoid the constant pressure of the government. The government has long been demanding that the company develop a tool to find out the origins of the sender of Fake News. Whatsapp has said clearly that this can not happen because Whatsapp is a platform for end and encryption. General elections are also going to come, in such a way, WhatsApp Speak has done this at least by launching this fact check. Now the pressure of the government will be reduced on Whatsapp. Whether or not the fact is checked.

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