Huawei has launched P30 Pro and P30 Lite smartphones in India. Speaking of the features of the P30 Pro, quad-camera setup, 5X optical zoom, 50X digital zoom and photography power are among the main attractions. Their starting price is Rs. 71,990. In India, the collision of the Huawei P30 Pro will be from Samsung Galaxy S10 + and Google Pixel 3XL. See what the three smartphones are special:
Price and Availability in India:
The price of 8GB RAM and 256GB storage variant of Huawei P30 Pro is Rs 71,990. The company will not sell any other variants in India. The phone will be available for sale on Amazon India. The Galaxy S10 + comes in three variants - the price of its base variant is Rs 73,900, the cost of mid-variants with 512GB storage is Rs 91,900 and the cost of 1TB storage model is Rs 1,17,900. S10 + can be purchased through online and offline retail channels. Google Pixel 3 XL 64GB model costs Rs 83,000 and the 128GB model costs Rs 92,000.
Huawei P30 Pro Specifications:
Huawei P30 Pro features 6.7-inch full HD + OLED display, Kirin 980SoC, 8GB RAM and 256GB storage. It has a 32MP front camera and has been given Drewdrop Notch on its front. The phone has a glass back. Phone water and dust resistant with an IP68 rating. The phone works on Android 9 Pie with an in-display fingerprint sensor. 4200 mAh battery is given on the phone. The phone supports fast charging and wireless reverse charging.
Specifications of Samsung Galaxy S10 +:
It has a 6.4-inch quad HD + curved dynamic
AMOLED infinity o display. Its aspect ratio is 19: 9. Also, 438 PPI pixel density has been given. The processor of both phones is the same, but there is also 8 GB in addition to 12 RAM variants available in this phone. The rear camera setup is similar to both the phones. But there is a dual sensor in the front camera Galaxy S10 +. The first front sensor is 10 megapixels with f / 1.9 aperture. At the same time, another 8-megapixel fixed focus is RGB depth sensor. Galaxy S10 + comes with 128 GB, 512 GB, and 1 TB three storage variants respectively. It can be extended to 512 GB via microSD card. To provide power to the phone, 4100 MAH battery is provided. Apart from this, all the features are the same.
Google Pixel 3XL Specifications:
This phone can be called the Best Camera Smartphone. The most important thing is that, where the companies are launching phones with two, three and four cameras. At the same time, Google has overtaken everyone with a single camera of 12.2 megapixels. Speaking of other features, it has a 6.3-inch QHD Plus OLED screen. Its aspect ratio is 18.5: 9. Also, Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor and 4GB RAM are also offered. For photography, it has a rear camera of 12.2 megapixels. It is equipped with dual pixel technology. Also, the dual front camera is also present. It has two sensors of 8 megapixels. It's a sensor wide-angle, then the second telephoto camera. To give power to the phone, a 3430 mAH battery is provided.
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