How much profit and how much loss; Why is there a worldwide protest including India

How fast internet will be with 5G | 5g network | 5g mobile

The Internet is an important part of our lifestyle. At the home, office, shopping, or time pass, anytime, anywhere the internet stops or slows down, it seems as if life has stopped. Therefore, people across the world, including India, have high expectations from the Next Generation Internet (5G) network. At the same time, the 5G network is being opposed today, including in India. Opponents are calling it a big threat to the earth. In such a situation, it is important for us to know what is a 5G network? Will this make the internet faster? What are its advantages and disadvantages?

According to a report by the country's government panel, the data network speed with 5G is expected to be 2 to 20 GB per second. Right now 5G internet is available in 378 cities in 34 countries of the world. Right now, there is a need to study this, which can reveal many more details. This is the reason that there are different opinions among experts regarding this technique. Some say it is necessary for the digital world, while there is also no shortage of experts who consider it a big threat to the earth. It is a major challenge for India to fully implement this technology.

5G internet in India

1. India may have a 5G internet launch by the end of 2021.

2. Mobile companies have started selling 5G smartphones in the country.

3. In the year 2018, 5G internet testing was done by the Chinese company Huawei in Gurgaon.

4. 5G will require more bandwidth, meaning more mobile towers will have to be installed.

5. Because of not having enough mobile towers, 4G internet is not the right thing to do.

6. Data network speed expected to be 2 to 20 GB per second in the official panel report.

7. 5G to 2035 could generate a one trillion dollars economic impact in India.

8. India is expected to generate revenues of over $ 27 billion from 5G by 2026 - Ericsson.

9. The global telecom industry (GSMA) estimates that the country will have 70 million 5G connections by 2025.

5G network in the world

How fast internet will be with 5G | 5g network | 5g mobile

1. Next Generation Internet is present in 378 cities in 34 countries

2. 5G network is spreading rapidly across the world

3. By 2025, 60 percent of mobile users can join

Advantages of 5G network

1. Internet speed will be 20 to 100 times faster (up to 1000mbps).

2. Larger data can be easily uploaded, downloaded, or transferred.

3. The movie which is downloaded in 5-10 minutes will be downloaded in a few seconds.

4. High-quality videos or games can be enjoyed without any hindrance.

5. You will be able to control all the smart devices in the house from outside by connecting to the phone.

6. Internet speed will not decrease even if many users are connected at the same time.

7. Now the work which can be done from a computer or laptop can also be done from mobile.

8. High-speed Internet will make the operation of robots, drones, and automatic vehicles easier.

5G Network Potential Disadvantages

1. This poses the biggest threat to the privacy of internet users.

2. According to the Technical University of Berlin, hackers can hack the data of users more quickly and easily.

3. A few months ago 297 birds died suddenly during 5G testing in the Hague city of the Netherlands.

4. This requires more bandwidth, for which the number of towers will have to increase manifold.

5. If there is not enough mobile tower, the problem of internet connectivity will increase from the present time.

6. Mobile towers are considered dangerous for radiation, so people in many countries oppose this.

7. A 5G network will require 6GHz radio frequency, which is already loaded with satellites and other signals.

8. Radiofrequency can also impede the speed of providing the internet.

9. According to the WHO, increasing radio frequency increases body temperature, although there is not much harm to health.

Bandwidth will be increased

How fast internet will be with 5G | 5g network | 5g mobile

Bandwidth is the virtual space provided to users for using the Internet. The higher the bandwidth, the faster the internet will run. 5G will have more bandwidth available than the existing 2G, 3G, and 4G. However, more bandwidth would require several times more mobile towers. Internet connection will not reduce even if many users connect simultaneously in the 5G network. The work that we are able to do on computers and laptops only, we will be able to do them easily on other devices in the 5G network.

Worldwide protest

This is the reason that in April 2020, people opposing the 5G network in the Netherlands broke several telephone towers and set them on fire. Their concern is about the potential threats and privacy protection of the 5G network. In January, around 100 people gathered on the Dam Square in Amsterdam to oppose the 5G network.

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